Tuesday 6 April 2010

It's days like these.....

......that I LOVE! Good friends staying, lazy, playful morning, tummies full of organic eggies from the school farm, then a loooooong walk around country lanes beside the brimming, racing Dee, along the muddy, still canal, and over the aquaduct that still gives me the heebiejeebies!
It's days like this that I will hold as treasure in my head and try not to miss too much once we are in Nepal...
Oh - and check out Thom in the Beco, which'd just arrived that morning. It's great for me (I'm just too unco-ordinated and unsupple for more traditional back-caryying) and Thom loves it. When I ordered it I kind of had Thom in mind as the same sort of size as one of the babies in the promotional photos - it came as a bit of a shock to find how big he looks in it!


  1. Hope you will not miss your home too much when you go away. Today I am feeling very sad to leave as I planted new bulbs and tidied the garden after the winter. Hmmm...

  2. Beautiful photos :-)

    And yup that aquaduct would give me the heebjeebies too!

  3. Gorgeous photo's. And I'd definitely miss living there too!
