Friday 22 January 2010

The best bit of my day......

.....was about 4.30 this afternoon. It hasn't been a bad day, just a hectic one, with various things in it that've made me feel more and more contented that we are making the right choice (for us, at the moment) in moving to Nepal.

Harv arrived home with the boys at the same time as Eve and I arrived from Lisa's. Then ensued the usual getting-home-frenzy: unloading the cars of nappy buckets, laptops, school bags, nursery bags, lunchboxes; having to put them out of Thom's reach to avoid mild disasters; feeding the older two who're both shouting to be heard to tell us about their day; trying to get changed out of work clothes; sorting out a bit of laundry; cooking dinner..............blah, blah, blah.
Thom just wanted to cuddle his mummy and the four whirlwinds rushing around him clearly really upset him. He started to cry VERY loudly in protest within 2 minutes of getting into the house.

So I abandoned the whole lot of it, and took him out side to watch and listen to the starlings who were doing their amazing dusk dances between various huge oak trees around our house. We were both entranced. The sky was pink and the air around us was warm and still. We watched their incredible formations and listened to the chatter when a group landed and the wingbeats as they took flight again - it really was the very best ten minutes of the day and we both felt SO much better when we went back inside to join everyone else.

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