Tuesday 20 April 2010

So I am back at work

and it's ok. I was dreading it a little bit as we'd all definitely got into holiday mode over Easter, with Thom waking up at 8.30 or later, and those kind of one activity / outing a day is quite enough sort of days. I do love my job but it does turn life rather treadmilly.... So it is lovely to have these sorts of days to fleetingly remember until our next bunch of them.

This was our Saturday - Eve, Noah and my mum made miniature gardens - just like I used to make in the seventies, then we played on last year's waterslide, which had managed to survive the winter somehow, then walked through the woods to the park.

This was Sunday. A bit of morning artwork - Noah's painted dinosaurs, and a meal of sausages, peas and scrambled egg from Eve. She even cut out tiny black dots for black pepper. They both came up with their own ideas and just told me what they needed - I had no imaginative input whatsoever! Then playing in the garden on a greyer-than-expected afternoon.

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