So - not exactly terrible crimes, but here are my confessions......
The children's dinner one Saturday evening when Harv and I were knackered - no green in sight - "Oh, Chinese, I like it, that one," says Noah (rice=Chinese as far as he is concerned) - he's such a happy soul, I can't feel bad for too long for giving them crisps, baby sweetcorn, rice and prawns -it's all the food groups, eh?
A couple of photos from one morning where they all decided to get up around five - and were obviously good for nothing by seven, so we all just sat in a heap on the sofa. Thom actually fell asleep in that collapsed-over-Eve position...
And the devotion of my boys to Dora the Explorer - the sight when I came down from cleaning the bathroom one morning. Made me feel bad and happy in equal measures - bad that I plonked them in front of the tv but happy that they were happy and clearly enjoying their chill-out-screen-time.
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