Okay, so I don't always, but this week we have got more than our money's worth from it.
Harv got checked over in preparation for the Cardiff half marathon he's running. I received amazing treatment at our very local minor injuries unit for a horribly painful knee. I was seen immediately on arrival, x-rayed, had advice from a knee specialist and referred for physio and ultrasound therapy in under 2 1/2 hours. Eve fell off the carousel at Blist's Hill and the staff decided to call the paramedics to check the cartoon-style bump on her head - she's absolutely fine now, but was just slightly dramatic about it at the time. She cheered up when they measured her pulse and sats which she found very interesting. Noah had a home visit to fit his new hearing aids (which we decided on instead of grommets to combat his glue ear)- she ended up taking the moulds away again as they were a bit dodgey, but we are always very grateful for home visits rather than trips to hospital. And Thom visited the doctor for his slightly dodgey toes (which are now fine). This is an extraordinary week - we're not usually such a drain on the nhs......... Above is a photo I've been meaning to post for a while - Noah had moulds made of his ears - we watched a sneaky bit of Kung-Fu Panda while we waited for it to dry. He did really well - can't be nice having play-doh type stuff in your ears?!
Glad you are all healthier and happy. I've just caught up on all your holiday posts - what a lovely time you have all had. I love the summer hols - Lou xx