Please allow my excuse of two jobs on opposite sides of a capital city, three Smalls, and darkness in the evenings (power cuts) that are not conducive to blog-chattiness.
I am not especially chatty tonight, but do have some photos to share - haven't shown you the house for ages, so here is Eve's bedroom, much cosier, with new carpet to replace the hideous plastic 'lino' with the blurred parquet floor print. I also bought her two new tables for her birthday so that she can do more things in her room without the boys gate-crashing, so now she has a science table and an art table as well as various bits on the floor as usual.
And here's the spare room on the top floor. I have always felt a bit guilty about not making it look nice for people who have been good enough to come and visit us, so finally got on with a bit of soft furnishing and picture-hanging. Yeah, I admit, just a little bit, but it is much nicer than it was last year.
This is our classiest feature - the indoor washing line on the top floor..... (Dust, impending monsoon and the seemingly ever-present scent of burning plastic are enough to dissuade me from roof-top laundry drying).
And here are the views from the roof this afternoon - such dark clouds.... and amazing lightening..... I really thought the heavens were about to open, but it seems to have rolled on right over and out of the valley.... We'd love some rain! I would like it to dampen down the dust and make the grass grow, whereas Harv, teenage as ever, just wants it because there's more likely to be electricity if it rains, which means he can get intimate with his XBox..... honestly.....
Have a great weekend, everyone, xx