Yesterday we went out for lunch at the Tenth Hole, pedalled a pedalo swan on Canoe lake, played on the beach, climbed trees, and visited the park.
Noah's dresscode at the moment is stereotypically toddler - he wants to wear his vests ALL the time until they are filthy, a la Bruce Willis in Die Hard. He doesn't want to wear ANYTHING else on his top half - once favoured t-shirts are spurned and offers of jumpers and sweatshirts are spurned with ferocity. He does, thankfully, adore his 'Dragon Coat' - so there is one way to keep him warmish, at least.
Thom is very determinedly teaching himself to walk. He's been crawling since he was six months and started pulling himself up on the furniture a couple of weeks ago - where did my little baby go?? It is SO difficult to change his nappy at the moment! He falls over a lot more than I remember Eve and Noah doing. Eve and Noah were chasing each other around Rosemary's sitting room today and Thom was bouncing on his heels - he's so keen to join in - I was wondering whether it's a common feature of younger siblings but I'm sure a few friends have said their little ones were later crawling and walking, and put it down to their older brothers and sisters fetching everything for them.
Eve is loving being here - she'd potter around on the beach all day, every day, I think. She's fascinated - at home she exclaims about 'cute little baby slugs and worms' - and here she's embracing armfuls of seaweed, collecting pocketfuls of shells and happily paddling in the sea.